ClucHAnix_BB_RPB_MOD_CTT Strategy Performance Results


This freqtrade strategy utilizes multiple indicators to make trading decisions. The first function, populate_buy_trend(), uses indicators such as EMA(Exponential moving average), RSI (Relative Strength Index), CTI (Crypto Trend Indicator), CoFI (Counter Trend Indicator), and CLUC (Contrarian LUCk) to identify potential buying opportunities. The second function, populate_sell_trend(), uses indicators such as Fisher, HA high, and EMA fast to determine when to sell. This strategy also takes into consideration recent pump values and BTC safety levels.

Daily Profit


Top cryptocurrency trading pairs

Pair Buys Avg Profit % Cum Profit Tot Profit Abs Tot Profit % Avg Duration Win Draw Loss Win %
ETC/USDT 4 1.93 7.72 1.464811 1.46 1:10:00 4 0 0 100.00
LTC/USDT 2 1.73 3.46 0.663426 0.66 1:30:00 2 0 0 100.00
ADA/USDT 6 0.41 2.44 0.456629 0.46 2:38:00 5 0 1 83.33
LINK/USDT 3 0.54 1.63 0.304368 0.3 2:40:00 3 0 0 100.00
BTC/USDT 3 0.50 1.50 0.282279 0.28 2:58:00 3 0 0 100.00
XRP/USDT 1 1.00 1.00 0.187440 0.19 1:55:00 1 0 0 100.00
BNB/USDT 1 1.00 1.00 0.186843 0.19 2:05:00 1 0 0 100.00
ETH/USDT 0 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.0 0:00 0 0 0
BCH/USDT 4 -0.31 -1.23 -0.250240 -0.25 3:11:00 2 0 2 50.00
SOL/USDT 11 -0.48 -5.32 -1.042448 -1.04 2:55:00 7 0 4 63.64
LUNA/USDT 5 -1.14 -5.69 -1.094491 -1.09 3:10:00 2 0 3 40.00
DOT/USDT 5 -1.47 -7.37 -1.440587 -1.44 3:18:00 2 0 3 40.00
ALGO/USDT 6 -2.04 -12.24 -2.400639 -2.4 2:58:00 3 0 3 50.00
TOTAL 51 -0.26 -13.11 -2.682609 -2.68 2:44:00 35 0 16 68.63
  • Pair: This is the cryptocurrency trading pair that was used for the backtesting.
  • Buys: This is the total number of buy orders placed during the backtesting.
  • Avg Profit %: This is the average percentage of profit that was made on each buy order.
  • Cum Profit: This is the cumulative profit made over all buy orders.
  • Tot Profit Abs: This is the total absolute profit made over all buy orders.
  • Tot Profit %: This is the total percentage of profit made over all buy orders.
  • Avg Duration: This is the average duration of each buy order.
  • Win: This is the total number of buy orders that resulted in a win.
  • Draw: This is the total number of buy orders that resulted in a draw.
  • Loss: This is the total number of buy orders that resulted in a loss.
  • Win %: This is the percentage of buy orders that resulted in a win.

Sell Reason

Sell Reason Sells Win Draws Loss Avg Profit % Cum Profit % Tot Profit ABS Tot Profit %
46 30 0 16 -0.52 -24.01 -4.741499739999999 -4.8
5 5 0 0 2.18 10.9 2.0588910699999996 2.18


A backtesting was performed with a maximum of 5 open trades and an average of 4.25 trades per day. The starting balance was $100 and the final balance was $97.31739133, resulting in an absolute profit of $-2.6826086700000005 and a total profit percentage of -0.026826086700000005. The average stake amount was $18.94277696078431 and the total trade volume was $966.0816249999998. The best pair was ETC/USDT and the worst pair was ALGO/USDT. The maximum balance reached was $99.633196 and the minimum balance was $94.51567912. The market change during this period was -0.03336748620829983.

Metric Value
Backtesting from 2024-01-01 00:00:00
Backtesting to 2024-01-13 15:40:00
Max open trades 5
Total/Daily Avg Trades 51 / 4.25
Starting balance 100
Final balance 97.31739133
Absolute profit -2.6826086700000005
Total profit % -0.026826086700000005
Avg. stake amount 18.94277696078431
Total trade volume 966.0816249999998
Best Pair ETC/USDT
Worst Pair ALGO/USDT
Max Balance 99.633196
Min Balance 94.51567912
Market Change -0.03336748620829983


    "pairlists": [
        "method": "StaticPairList"
    "timeframe": "15m",
    "tradable_balance_ratio": 0.99,
    "fiat_display_currency": "USD",
    "stake_amount": "unlimited",
    "stake_currency": "USDT",
    "amend_last_stake_amount": true,
    "exchange": {
      "pair_whitelist": [
      "name": "binance"
    "dry_run_wallet": 100,
    "max_open_trades": 5